Monday, March 16, 2009

Malcolm Smith Leads the Rebellion

Motorcycle legend and head of Malcolm Smith Motorsports has stepped forward to challenge the CPSIA law by offering kids mini bikes and ATVs for sale this Thursday (1 day only). This is an incredibly ballsy move, and will be a strong indicator of the Government and the CPSC's reaction. If there is no legal action against Malcolm's store, does this open the door for the rest of us? Is this the tipping point? Is this the point at which we all stand up and protest this law by continuing sales? If we are confident the law will be fixed in the future, why can't we sell product now?

This story was broken by Dealernews here, and followed up on CPSIA-central here.

For those of you into details, video has been posted of round table hearings between the CPSC and both the motorcycle/ATV industries, and the bicycle industry. These meetings focus on legalities rather than safety... ie, 'can valve stems be made of titanium instead of brass?'.... there are a few moments where the industries question why they have to even address these issues when they're not actually related to safety. Why should we use more expensive, inferior materials when there are no safety consequences to the way we've all been doing it!

There's another call to action, this time from the AMA's Rob Digman here.

It's hotting up a little. We're waiting for more from Senator Dingell, who should have had his response from the CPSC by now. We have not yet seen the responses. We are now awaiting Thursday's sales event at Malcolm Smith's to guage reaction. Malcolm's legend, for me, has grown even more.


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